Monday, June 13, 2011

Folks, we are laughing right along with you.

I am watching the republiclown debate from New Hampshire and I sincerely mean this when I say that it is funnier than any sitcom that's on television. These guys (and gal) are funny.
Michele Bachmann actually made some news: She is running for President.
CNN is trying to humanize the candidates, and John King just asked Newt if he prefers Dancing With the Stars or American Idol. Newt quickly said American Idol. Nice. It's funny, but in order to win American Idol you need talent. To be elected president of these divided states you need talent as well. You have to know how to lie with a straight face. Most of these guys (and gal) on stage seem to have the lying part down pat. The problem is, of course, that they all look kind of silly doing it. I am not seeing any straight faces, just silly ones. You can't have a straight face when you are twisting like a pretzel.
My man Herman tried to explain his position on Medicare and social security by telling us about what Chile did over twenty years ago. *scratching head* Ron Paul is making them all uncomfortable on stage by talking about doing away with Medicare and the military industrial complex because it's not working. ---He is actually making more sense than his colleagues on stage.
Oh ohh, Herman is talking about Muslims again. And he is looking even more stupid than he did the last time. And there, right on cue, is Mitt Romney defending the rights of people to have their own religious beliefs in this country. Mitt is a Mormon, he is not exactly a member of a traditional main stream religion. I am glad he is standing up for folks who aren't Catholics or Protestants here in A-merry-ca. Wait, there is Newt to Herman's rescue. Newt is actually saying that he would have a loyalty oath in his administration. Something about A-merry-ca doing it before and the "Time Square Bomber" telling a judge that he was not his friend, and the Nazis. 
"Mr. Cain, deep dish or thin crust?""Deep dish". Mitt wants his barbecue spicy and he just told us that the Bruins are up 4-0. [Huge applause] Nice, pick on the Canadians, no one from Vancouver will be voting for president of these divided states.
Now all the candidates are tripping over themselves to say that marriage should be between a man and a woman. They all want a Constitutional amendment to declare it so..... and, surprise, they all want to reverse "don't ask don't tell".
Now they are all talking about abortion. Michele Bachmann says that she is against abortion even in the case of rape, incest, or when the woman's life is threatened. She is telling us, once again, that she took in a bunch of foster kids and that she had five kids of her own.....
"Mr. Pawlenty Coke or Pepsi?" "Coke".
I am sorry, I can't watch this anymore. I usually like a laugh track when I watch a good comedy.

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