Sunday, June 5, 2011

He is off one plantation and on to the next.


"I left that Democratic plantation a long time ago---and I ain't going back."

That's my man Herman Cain, letting the faithful know that he is one of them. Question for Herman: Why do you have to be on any plantation? Why did you leave the Democratic plantation for a republican one? Can't a black man just be free of plantation politics?

I mean I know you need the machine to get elected to any significant office in this country, (see Obama)but do you really believe that you have a legitimate shot at republican money? Can't you just give us solutions to what you think are our problems (by our I mean A-merry-ca) instead of putting down other black people? (BTW, please stick no national issues when you give us those solutions. You are coming up a little short in the foreign policy area.)

Yes, I know that you won the debate in South Carolina. But, with all due respect, I had a pet parrot once that would have won that debate.

Herman, did you really say that "Black Democrats equal slavery and I am a runaway"? Now see Herman, that ain't cool. That is exactly the type of rhetoric that pisses off black folks who would consider voting for your jigging ass. Let's say, for instance, that I happen to be a black democrat, but I like some of your policies and I don't like Obama. You just turned me off from voting for you because you called me a slave. This is the problem I find with black conservatives; in an effort to fit in with their wingnut brothers and sisters, they go over the top. They lose all sense of decorum and decency. It's as if they have to outdo their wingnut cohorts to show them that they are serious. Let me go catch dat slave massa, I ain't like de rest of em.

"I'm not like other blacks...." Herman, on that we can agree.

*Pic courtesy of

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