Monday, June 6, 2011

Weiner was sexting. Now about those jobs.

Oh oh Andrew, I hate to pile on, but even the democrats are pissed at you. (I see that Lady Nancy is already calling for an ethics investigation.) You took too long to come clean with your Internet escapades. What were you thinking? You had to have known that you sent the pictures of yourself au naturale. Why the week long press tour to deny your short comings? (No pun intended.) And was that Andrew Breitfart at your press conference? Yes, I think it was.

Anyway, today you finally came clean:

"I take full responsibility for my actions," Weiner said. "The picture was of me, and I sent it."

Yes Anthony, we can see that it was you. And I am sure that there will be more to come.
BTW, what is it with you elected officials from New York and these nude pictures of yourselves? "Sexting"? Leave that stuff to the teenagers.

Still, after all is said and done, you might just get reelected. (If you don't lose your seat to redistricting.) As far as I can tell, you didn't break any laws, and you seem to do a good job for your district. Hey if folks like Charlie Rangel and David Vitter can get reelected, I am sure that you will be fine.

Finally, (h/t to CNN where I heard this today) why are the republicans in Congress not doing anything about the high unemployment in this country? They swept into power this midterm promising to get us jobs and turn the economy around. But they have done nothing. They have given us no ideas and have done every thing in their power to make sure that his O ness is not successful as president. If the economy fails and folks lose their jobs then Obama fails. I am sure that is just fine with them.

"Since assuming the majority, House Republicans have focused their attention on symbolic health care votes and divisive anti-abortion bills instead of job creation, which they promised to make their "number one priority." Their only real effort to address the economy, a controversial proposal to slash spending on government programs, could have a devastating impact on the recovery. The best evidence Republican leaders can muster that their massive spending cuts won't harm the economy is the testimony of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, who actually believes that the proposal will destroy "a couple hundred thousand" jobs.

When there's good news, Republicans are quick to claim credit, but it's increasingly apparent that they're more excited about bad news. Just compare the press releases blasted out when monthly job statistics fall below expectations and when they exceed them. This, of course, is all part of a strategy to achieve what Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has unapologetically labeled "the single most important thing" for Republicans to accomplish: making sure President Obama loses in 2012."

Mr. Tan Man, why do you and your friends hate the American worker?

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