Friday, June 3, 2011

Those racist blue people.

I have got to get out of the lawyer game. It's getting way too dangerous. I bet the last person this poor lawyer expected to take him out was some 73 year old guy whose wife he represented in divorce case. Seventy three and the guy goes all Rambo and s&^%. Then he kills himself. *shaking head*

He was a perfect candidate for one of Dr. Jack's bedtime mixers. Wait.....Dr. Jack is himself now dead. (Save the jokes)Never mind.

My racism meter must be dropping off as I get older, because lately I have not been seeing racism where some folks claim they see it.

Take this latest from some French sociologist, for instance. Dude says that the Smurfs are racist and anti Semitic, and that there is some Nazi subliminal thing going on with the entire franchise. Really? The Smurfs?

"As relayed by, Buéno says that Papa Smurf, the leader of the village, is an authoritarian figure, and that their lack of private property and collective-style economy is a clear nod to socialism. Meanwhile, their enemy seems Jewish: Gargamel, the monster that haunts the village, matches negative Jewish caricatures and his cat's name is Azrael, the French author writes, while Smurfette, for a long time the only female in the village, is a vision of aryan perfection.

Buéno, in an interview with The Wall Street Journal, touched on what he perceives as their blue racism.

"The first comic strip, 'The Black Smurfs,' was intimately concerned with what you might classify as a racial threat," he said. "Because in that album, the smurfs are sick. And when they're sick, they don't turn purple or red or anything like that, they become black. And when they become black, they lose all trace of intelligence. THey become completely moronic. And further more, they can no longer speak, they just go 'nyap nyap nyap.'"

Hmmm, "blue racism". Nope, I can't bite. I am too busy chasing the white one.

Has Anthony Weiner stopped talking yet? Please make him stop! What's sad about this entire episode is that it might take away from something very important that Weiner is doing: pushing for an investigation into the shenanigans of Uncle Clarence and his wingnut wife. Yes folks, at least for now, Andrew Brietbart and his wingnut friends seem to be getting the upper hand. For now.

Then there are black writers wondering out loud if Weiner was black would we be making jokes at his expense. Let me answer that for you: Yes! As someone in the comments section mentioned in the post that I linked; Bishop Eddie Long is Exhibit A.

Finally, I see that Florida is drug testing welfare recipients. Good luck with that. Hey I know Rush is glad that he doesn't need a welfare check. He would never qualify.

But don't despair my drug addicted friends, you could always move to Brazil. I hear that they have a new strain of crack there.

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